Duration 2 hours | one 30 mins follow up call after 1 month | investment -1500 aed / 408.00$

This is for you if you seek clarity in starting your business so you don’t miss out on the important aspects and steps in starting a business. If you need business guidance towards achieving your specific goals, this is the support you've been looking for in your entrepreneurial journey!

Our 1 on 1 consultation includes:

  • Onboarding Questionnaire
  • 30 Minute Goal Mapping Session
  • 90 Minute Business Intensive Session
  • Business start up check list
  • Overview of meeting with homework tasks
  • 30 minute follow up after 30 days  

My signature framework for business strategy and development comes down to these FIVE PILLARS:

  • BUSINESS IDEA AND BRAND IDENTITY (developing the idea and structure)
  • OFFER CREATION (your offer suite, structure + strategy to start)
  • SELLING & LOGISTICS (the best methods to sell your products or services)
  • CLIENT SYMMETRY & MARKETING (client market research + marketing)
  • DREAMY TRANSFORMATION (maximizing your client experience + business building)

Micro Lense Intensive:

We will essentially dive into one of the five pillars extensively and map out a plan of action on what you need to be doing exactly to see those shifts within your business.
